Electrotechnical Associate Members of ETIM UK Ltd

Access to ETIM support and advice for electrotechnical EDA Members and Affiliated Members

EDA Members (wholesalers) and EDA Affiliated Members (manufacturers and solutions providers) automatically become Associate Members of ETIM UK Ltd.

Currently there over 80 manufacturers and solutions providers who are also Associate Members of the EDA and ETIM UK Ltd, and over 240 wholesalers.

Sector-wide support

The EDA is grateful to the following organisations and businesses for their help and support in developing, promoting and creating ETIM for the UK.

Representatives from these organisations make up the electrotechnical sector’s ETIM Industry Liaison Panel.

Is your business ready to transform its product data through ETIM?

Your business does not have to be an EDA Member or Affiliated Member to benefit from ETIM.  You can join as a Member of ETIM UK Ltd.

Contact via email


Contact via phone

+44 (0)20 3141 7350